played a smokey killer show in SF at the Dirtbag Challenge 09 on Sunday. Totally amazing time had and much like being dropped into a different world, stripped down low-rent mind boggling and dangerous - just the way I like it. Basically anyone can enter, you can only spend $1k and build a bike to race and then trash in the burned out industrial complex at the end of Revere street, real close to the SF Bay where that super fund site is. I'm talking about the place thats got a DMZ like chain fence around it, so toxic that the dirt sometimes catches on fire and everyone from the neighborhood comes to watch the firetrucks try and hose down the ground so it will stop spontaneously com-busting. All kinds of bikers from all around the bay do their best to burn the rubber right off their tires while bands play hellacious rock to back em up. This whole thing is put on by Pinky and Paul who work their asses off to get stuff ready. East Bay Rats, SFMC, even Hells Angels show up to demo the rides and get throw some M-80's into the crowd. It makes burningman look like a pikers picnic. When we played we got 3rd spot which means everyone was doing burnouts and trying to broil 2 strokes into melted aluminum, so we ended up blowing an amp and some of the PA. It was a damn good time and there was also a bunch of people there filming so maybe it's gonna be on TV or in a movie, information was hard to get and even harder to hear when I did find a couple people who seemed like they knew what was going on. Hey what more do you need? Liquor, bikes, fireworks, bands, grilled food?!?!? It was like mad max died and went to apocalypse heaven. DUDE!